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Nick Elmore
0438 599 938

Belle Property – Balwyn

All architectural images are artist impressions only.

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All architectural images are artist impressions only.

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The gardens will feel timeless, as though they have been there for many years, especially with the retention of three beautiful mature trees across the front of the site. In this way, Threadneedle will be a natural extension of the lush, established gardens in the area with their lovely canopies and floral displays.

Ben Scott, Landscape Architect
Ben Scott Garden Design

Featured Flora

Within the gardens, the plantings have been selected to celebrate the seasons through diverse and interesting species, so there will often be something flowering throughout the year. I’m hoping that residents will pick flowers and bring them into their new homes to enjoy in a vase; I’ve chosen beautiful colours and fragrances with that in mind.

Ben Scott, Landscape Architect
Ben Scott Garden Design

Viburnum Opulus Sterile

Known as a Snowball Tree, this is a tall-growing deciduous shrub that provides a stunning spring display of large ball-shaped flowers that change colour from green to white. It also puts on a stunning display of intense oranges and reds in autumn.

Hedychium Gardnerianum

Commonly known as a Ginger Lily, this medium-to-tall-growing hardy rhizomatous perennial produces a superb, large sub-tropical looking foliage. The large yellow flowers of this extremely hardy species emerge during summer and are very fragrant.

Lagerstroemia Indica

The popular small growing deciduous tree known as Crepe Myrtle provides a wonderful year-round display. Its long-flowering period lasts for weeks in summer, followed by strong autumn foliage colours and a smooth copper-coloured bark during winter.

Iris Germanica

Often called a Beaded Iris, this low-growing and hardy rhizomatous perennial features a lovely sword-shaped grey/green foliage that contrasts beautifully with other plants. Available in many different colours, its flowers provide a naturally stunning display.

I love how open to the street the new communal gardens of Threadneedle will be. I believe they will make a lasting contribution to the streetscape, and I look forward to seeing them grow and thrive as years go by.
Ben Scott, Landscape Architect
Ben Scott Garden Design